"Megami no Jiyuu" intro liner notes
Written by Aki Tomato, Yamamoto's artist manager at that time, translated by me.
That day I became a Masayukist.
Let's be honest, I was not an enthusiastic fan of Masayuki Yamamoto until I worked with him for the first time on Kyuukyoku Choujin R, that is, I had known the appeal of his music for a long time. I was an animator, so naturally I watched the Time Bokan Series, Gold Lightan and Bryger in real time, and I liked the theme songs so much that I could sing the full chorus to the top. Eventually, it was something that made me realize the true value of Masayuki Yamamoto's musical power.
Twelve years ago, we went to a record store in Shizuoka for the R campaign. The stage was a small space bounded by partitions (more like plywood) and blackout curtains. After rehearsal, I casually wandered around the store. Then, he started singing "♪Kin-kon-kan-kon-kenko~" in front of a little kindergarten boy. He knew nothing about R or Masayuki Yamamoto; he just happened to be there, unaware? He just heard the rehearsal song that came out of nowhere and he got truly impressed by Masayuki Yamamoto's talent.
Ever since then, he had become a Masayukist.
A Masayukist refers to a group of people who like to immerse themselves into Masayuki Yamamoto and his music, especially his talent. Speaking of which, I first coined the term Masayukist in the liner notes of his first album "Masayuki Yamamoto '88". (kinda boastful)
To my surprise, once you become a Masayukist, you'll never stop. I had been working with him as a staff for his albums and live concerts and I couldn't resist out of it. I'm not saying that I don't like him just because I'm not a business person; even if the liner notes for this issue is paid by Yebisu Beer. I provided the "Out~~" voiceover in Baseball. I got a phone call the day before the recording session, and I went out to the studio to grab a 500mm can of Yebisu. Other people did the same, including Hiroto, Kame-chan, and Iku-chan.
Of course, the same is true for you who have this album in your hands. You want to live as Masayukist forever, don't you?
Now with Masayuki Yamamoto '99 - Goddess of Liberty, Masayuki Yamamoto "never changes" singing about love, boys, dreams and fantasies...he even sings about justice. I remember a producer saying to him a few years ago, "Yamamoto-san, it's about time you stop calling yourself a nantokaman. I don't understand why Masayuki Yamamoto insists on singing songs about justice. When you think about it, he's the type of person who could never be a Masayukist. We knew we were waiting for him. We are waiting for the hero he will become."
I can assure you, in about eleven years time, for Masayuki Yamamoto 2010, he'll still be singing about love, boys, dreams, fantasies, and justice, and I am sure that I'll still be a Masayukist.
And you will too.
Original: https://media.vgm.io/albums/07/118770/118770-aa6ac61642c7.jpg
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