Some Disappointing Updates...
Hello folks. You may notice that both The Masayukist's Zone and THE Masayuki Paradise, two of my fan pages related to Yamamoto sensei, hasn't been updated for the past few months. This may sound personal especially to many Japanese people, but I had been so hardly focused on my finals and my other interests that I never got the time to update my Wordpress site, nor add more translations and facts here as well. Does this mean these websites are gonna be dead, like the other Yamamoto sensei fan sites, never to be up-to-date in the future? Hopefully not. Meanwhile, Masayuki Yamamoto doesn't seem to get much physical appearances lately. Two written interviews since 2024 started, and when Super Anison Spirits 2024 was announced, Yamamoto's name was nowhere to be listed. My assumption could be that Yamamoto might as well enjoy much of his leisure time more than fixing a schedule of live appearances or maybe recording a brand new studio album. I understood why because doing ...